"I would like to ask the British what visa they had when they ruled us for 150 years?
Britain colonised 25% of the Earths land surface, subjugated 500 million people and justified the mass violence as a civilising mission. In the UK, migrants, refugees and those seeking asylum are scapegoated, detained without charge, interrogated, forced into destitution, deported without warning, suffocated, beaten and pushed to suicide by the British States anti-immigration and anti-asylum policies.
ILLEGALISED, from British-Romanian collective BEZNĂ Theatre, is a journey through the Home Offices human rights abuses against the other that exposes the profit made from the illegalisation of human beings.
ILLEGALISED, inspired and informed by interviews with migrants, refugees and those seeking asylum, is the first part of a protest cycle denouncing Britains dehumanising of people for power and profit from colonial times to today.
ILLEGALISED is protest-theatre calling for solidarity.
Note that this show is suitable for children 14+.
Tickets for this show are priced at £10.00, with a concession price of £8.00 and a student price of £6.00.
For further information on Bezna Theatre, visit the Bezna Theatre website.