Produced By: Lee Knapp

A Russian Revolution in Song and Dance – Cancelled

Spoken Word
24 Mar 2022
24 Mar, 14:00

Tickets no longer available.

~~ Given the current political situation the organisers feel it is unwise to go ahead with this event. The venue stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, as well as the citizens of Russia at home and abroad, who are fighting for peace and an end to conflict. ~~
In the first few decades of the 20th century, the upheavals in Russian politics were mirrored by a new sense of change in the nation’s cultural perspectives.
Russian and then Soviet art, writing, film, and especially ballet attracted the attention of the world, and the often predictable artworks of the Tsarist establishment gradually, and then explosively, gave way to innovation, excitement and adventure across the cultural spectrum. Join us to get a taste of the challenging new drama, music and dance presented to Russian, Soviet and indeed international audiences by some of the most famous musicians and performers of the early 20th century.