Exploring with Kaye Leidoskope – Exploring Numbers
- Genre:
- Fantastic for Families
- Opens:
- 25 Oct 2024
- Times:
- 25 Oct, 10:00
Tickets no longer available.
Join Kaye Leidoskope for these lively & lovely interactive storytelling sessions for under-fives and their grown-ups. Expect songs, games, crafts and dancing …perfect for little ones to creatively learn through play!
Kaye Leidoskope (aka Kaye Mahoney) is an experienced performer and workshop leader who loves to help little ones (and big ones!) to create and learn. She also runs Puggle Club, the preschooler’s creative arts programme at The Higgins, and you can follow her on social media to find out more athttps://www.instagram.com/k.leidoskope/andhttps://www.facebook.com/k.leidoskope/
Tags: autumn24, exploring, fantasticforfamilies, kaye, storytelling, ThePlace