Produced By: Simon Mole & Gecko
Mole & Gecko: THE SHOW
- Genre:
- Fantastic for Families
- Opens:
- 09 Jul 2020
- Times:
- 09 Jul, 13:30
Tickets no longer available.
An interactive rap musical about a Mole and a Gecko starring Simon Mole & Gecko
A rapper and a singer. A mole and a gecko.
A river. A boat with no name.
A quest for adventure.
A quest with a duck!
Mole and Gecko is an interactive rap musical that you (the audience) help create. There are live songs, rap stories, instant poems and a weasel with a serious biscuit problem. Join our unlikely pair as they discover that what they thought they were searching for might be less important than what they find along the way.
“Gecko is a gifted young comic songwriter with charm and style to spare”
★★★★ Broadway Baby, Edinburgh Fringe 2016
“Simon Mole engages with the audience from the outset and keeps the young audience enthralled”
★★★★ Upstaged Manchester, 2018 on Friends For All
Age Guidance: 5yrs+
Running Time: 45mins
Written & Performed by Simon Mole & Gecko
Direction & Design by Peader Kirk
Photography by Hugo Glendinning
Design & Costume Assistant: Amanda Mascarenhas
PR Management by Alison Duguid
Project Management: Rua Arts
Funded by Arts Council England National Lottery Project Grants
Supported by Apples and Snakes, the Albany, Arts Depot, Half Moon Theatre, Norden Farm, Roundhouse & Rua Arts