Obscenities [Film]
- Genre:
- Film
- Opens:
- 17 Apr 2021
- Times:
- 17 Apr, all day
Tickets no longer available.
Presented by Theatrical Niche Ltd
Directed by Filmmaker Will Nash
3 scenes in short film format
A comic mini-series following a few South London women as they battle workmates, musical divas and their own bodily functions in the pursuit of their ultimate ambitions. This warts-and-all mini-series examines life now, with hopes & dreams unblemished.
Critically-acclaimed theatre company Theatrical Niche Ltd have toured nationally and internationally since 2012.
This marks their first collaboration with Director Will Nash creating film in lieu of live theatre, and is supported by Arts Council England.
Captioned screenings available.
Total Running Time: Approx. 35 mins
Suitable for ages 15+