Produced By: Kill the Cat
Q&A/TALK – Developing work for Digital Platforms
- Genre:
- Spoken Word
- Opens:
- 25 Feb 2021
- Times:
- 25 Feb, 20:00
Tickets no longer available.
Kill the Cat & The Place Bedford present a discussion and Q&A for amateur and professional theatre makers interested in making/adapting work for online spaces.
- Are you interested in learning more about ways that live performance can be adapted or created for online spaces?
- Don’t know your NTLive from your LIVR?
- Interested in learning more about your Zooms and Teams?
- Live Streaming, pre-recording, live chat, apps and digital exploration?
The Place Community and Digital leads will host a talk with Kill the Cat (makers of bold interactive theatre, keenly interested in the performer-audience dynamic, creating a shared sense of community & ‘play’) to explore their own approach to making work for online audiences, and sharing their personal experience of both creating for, and adapting work to live online.
Perfect for anyone making digital work. Covering everything from the tech, access and the audience experience, whether you’re a total novice, or an established live performer interested in new ways of working.