The Lion Inside [Outdoor Theatre]
- Genre:
- Fantastic for Families
- Opens:
- 28 Oct 2020
- Times:
- 28 Oct, 11:00
28 Oct, 13:00
28 Oct, 15:00
Tickets no longer available.
In a dry dusty place where the sand sparkled gold, stood a mighty flat rock, all craggy and old. And under that rock in a tinyful house, lived the littlest, quietest, meekest brown mouse.
Fed up of being ignored by the other animals, Mouse wishes he could roar like Lion. But, as he discovers, even the biggest, bossiest people are scared sometimes … and even the smallest creatures can have the heart of a lion!
Based on the award-winning book by Rachel Bright and Jim Field, LAStheatre’s production for 4 to 7-year olds and their families is about confidence, self-esteem, and a shy little mouse who sets out on a journey to find his roar.
What if this mouse with the weeniest squeak, was a little more GRRRRR and a little less meek?
The Lion Inside creatively and playfully explores facing fears, feeling positive and dealing with change.
Tickets for these events are free. There is a small booking fee charged on each cart, and only a limited capacity for each performance. We encourage you to make a donation to The Place Bedford to help cover the cost of the show. We recommend a donation of £5 – £10 per ticket, depending on your family circumstances. Thank you for supporting live theatre.
About LAStheatre
LAStheatre creates layered, urgent, heart-driven stories that engage people of all ages. These tales tackle important and complex ideas in surprising, joyous and participatory ways. Their work has been described as ‘spellbinding’ (Manchester Evening News), ‘powerful’ (The Scotsman), ‘atmospheric’ (The Herald), ‘fascinating’ (BBC) and ‘thrillingly immediate’ (FT).
Get Involved!
The Lion Inside performance has a very special hat parade at the end of the show. Mouse and Lion would love for you to bring along your favourite hats, or make a hat with all the colours and craft materials you have at home. If you are looking for some inspiration there are 3 hat templates below that you can use to create your very own hat.
Tags: accessible, family, lastheatre, outdoor, relaxed, ThePlace