Produced By: The Keepers Daughter
The Time Machine
- Genre:
- Dramas In Pyjamas
- Opens:
- 29 Sep 2021
- Times:
- 29 Sep, 19:00
Tickets no longer available.
An eccentric Victorian Time Traveller has crash-landed in the 21st Century. He has journeyed across time to escape the horrors of Earth’s far-flung future.
Join this mysterious traveller on an enterprising, heartfelt and amusing adventure where he must encounter alien species, explore brand new landscapes and battle the dreaded subterranean Morlocks in order to save the human race from catastrophe.
Stunning puppetry, scintillating movement and a unique electronic soundtrack combine to create a visual feast that brings HG Wells’ classic sci-fi story to the stage like never seen before.
“Not content with removing the forth wall, The Keeper’s Daughter batter it down…They make up their own theatrical rules, only to break them, in a way that is consistently inventive…” – Diss Corn Hall Blog Review
Tags: 2021, ACE, acefunded, dramasinpyjamas, family, keepersdaughter, ThePlace