- Genre:
- Dramas In Pyjamas
- Opens:
- 10 May 2020
- Times:
- 10 May, 14:00
10 May, 18:30
Tickets no longer available.
This show has been postponed until an as-yet-unknown future date. If you require further information please contact our Box Office directly. All current ticket holders will be contacted directly.
Ragnarr Rangnarson is a Skald – a teller of stories, keeper of history, and composer of poems. Or rather, he will be. Now he's just a scrawny little limpet on the edge of greatness. He must journey across the White Sea and through the land of his forefathers to find the Storymead – the fountain of all Viking knowledge.
So hop aboard – and let the Intrepid Fools take you on an irreverently epic journey far across the fjords. With music, mayhem, and mythical monsters galore!
Devised by Intrepid Fools, written by Flora Wilson Brown, & composed by Alastair McNamara.
Director – Harry Tennison
Producer – Rebecca King