Produced By: Victor Esses
Where To Belong
- Genre:
- Professional Theatre
- Opens:
- 18 Sep 2021
- Times:
- 18 Sep, 19:30
Tickets no longer available.
This show has been selected for our Autumn food offering. To learn more about our food offer, including the options available, go here.
Presented by Victor Esses and CASA (in partnership with Counterpoint Arts).
What makes a home for you?
Victor Esses is Jewish-Lebanese, Brazilian, and gay. In 1975, Victor’s mother fled Lebanon as a refugee of the Civil War. In 2017, Victor visited Lebanon for the first time. In 2018, amidst the elections that will see Brazil choose a far-right president, he travels from London to São Paulo to show his partner the city of his childhood.
Where to Belong is the tender, moving autobiographical story of Victor’s journeys – an exploration of how to find your place in a rich and complex world of identities.
“Something that will stay with you” ★★★★
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Tags: 2021, ThePlace, victoresses