Produced By: Pell Ensemble

Workshop: Move & Code

14 Nov 2021
14 Nov, 10:00

Tickets no longer available.

‘Fun, Interactive, Exhilarating!’ -Student
MOVE AND CODE is a 1 day workshop that uses movement and physical computing to build and code a light that interacts with movement.
The morning of MOVE AND CODE will focus on using movement (accessible to all levels) to deliver an understanding of computational thinking and the core fundamentals of programming. The participants will understand, through building their own movement sequence, how to programme their own sequence of code. The participants then use Crumble controllers (accessible to all levels) to build and program their own interactive lights. During the last part of the day participants combine the movement and lights they have created to test the interactive digital experience they have developed. The workshop shows how computing can be creative, used in new and unexpected contexts, and, importantly, is delivered using accessible, engaging and memorable methods.
Choreographer Rebecca Evans and Computing Curriculum Specialist Su Adams have developed this workshop over the last 4 years, reaching over 700 participants in the UK and abroad. Using kinesthetic and visual learning, among other methods, MOVE AND CODE creates unique and engaging pathways for all students to learn new digital and creative skills for the future.
“For the next generation, the future of our economy will be built on creativity and technology. The current growth of the UK’s creative industries is twice that of the economy as a whole.” RSA Cities of Learning (2019)