Game Play 22-24

Well, that was an exciting & eventful start to the Game Play project 2022-24! We were over the moon to welcome Tom & Chloe from Upstart Theatre to Bedford over …


Dave is single, stood at the bar, and turning 30. Eurydice is a mythical dryad, a demi-god. Bruce Springsteen is on the karaoke machine. A tale od side streets, dive …

Rise and Fall

Come and explore an ecosystem of balloons: universes in miniature. In Rise And Fall you’ll meet all manner of balloons from small floating moons to vast bouncing orbs. Forever expanding …

Daytime Deewane

An exhilarating gig theatre adventure   It’s 1997 and London is about to have its last daytime rave. The end of an era is approaching. British South Asians flock for …

Bollywood Brass Band

Bollywood Brass Band is the UK’s pioneering Indian-style brass band, playing the great tunes and compulsively danceable rhythms of Bollywood. Twice nominated for Songlines World Music Awards, the band has …

Workshop: Playable & Participatory Theatre

As part of our Gameplay Strand, we are excited to announce two continuous Professional Development workshops for anyone teaching or leading drama provision.  This three hour workshop from Upstart Theatre …

Red Planet Revolutions

It’s 2222 and the human settlement on Mars has finally declared its independence from Earth. In this new dawn on the Red Planet, you have been chosen to help lead …


There's a bed for me in a psychiatric ward. So no, they can't tick the box for homeless. I've been ready for discharge for months. So no, they can't tick …

Christopher Nibble

Written and illustrated by Charlotte Middleton and adapted for the stage by Claire Alizon Hills, Topsy Turvy Theatre, the company who brought you Ruby Flew Too! and Isabel’s Well, proudly …