Game Play 22-24
Well, that was an exciting & eventful start to the Game Play project 2022-24! We were over the moon to welcome Tom & Chloe from Upstart Theatre to Bedford over …
Well, that was an exciting & eventful start to the Game Play project 2022-24! We were over the moon to welcome Tom & Chloe from Upstart Theatre to Bedford over …
This summer workshop for young people aged 11-16 will focus on creative writing, storytelling & game design. Following on from our regular term-time RPG club sessions, this week-long summer …
Dave is single, stood at the bar, and turning 30. Eurydice is a mythical dryad, a demi-god. Bruce Springsteen is on the karaoke machine. A tale od side streets, dive …
Come and explore an ecosystem of balloons: universes in miniature. In Rise And Fall you’ll meet all manner of balloons from small floating moons to vast bouncing orbs. Forever expanding …
An exhilarating gig theatre adventure It’s 1997 and London is about to have its last daytime rave. The end of an era is approaching. British South Asians flock for …
Bollywood Brass Band is the UK’s pioneering Indian-style brass band, playing the great tunes and compulsively danceable rhythms of Bollywood. Twice nominated for Songlines World Music Awards, the band has …
As part of our Gameplay Strand, we are excited to announce two continuous Professional Development workshops for anyone teaching or leading drama provision. This three hour workshop from Upstart Theatre …
It’s 2222 and the human settlement on Mars has finally declared its independence from Earth. In this new dawn on the Red Planet, you have been chosen to help lead …
There's a bed for me in a psychiatric ward. So no, they can't tick the box for homeless. I've been ready for discharge for months. So no, they can't tick …
Written and illustrated by Charlotte Middleton and adapted for the stage by Claire Alizon Hills, Topsy Turvy Theatre, the company who brought you Ruby Flew Too! and Isabel’s Well, proudly …